We have crowd sourced the ultimate list of cycling tips from all levels and styles of cyclists from 8 year old Otto to the clipped-in road cyclists. In no particular order, we hope that this list might be able to help you on your cycling adventures. So far we have 61 tips so if anyone would like to contribute to the remaining 41, please leave them as a comment on our Instagram post HERE.
A good pair of gloves are essential in winter to keep those finger tips warm & comfy, but not too thick or using the brakes & gears will be tricky. (Claire from @chillspace_uk)
Having your saddle high enough to have an almost straight leg on the pedal will give you more power when cycling (Claire from @chillspace_uk)
Don't be scared to try new routes and break routines, even if that adds a few more minutes to your trip. You'll be surprised by all the new spots, shops, cafés, landscapes and architecture you might find. Plus you can't get lost with your phone now :) (Ali from @labomono)
Always carry a (reusable) water bottle in your bag, or in your jacket, if you've got big pockets like ours! It's important to stay hydrated, especially when you're more active. (Ali from @labomono)
Be respectful of the road and treat others how you’d like to be treated. Enjoy yourself. (Zoe from @zoe_sherwood)
Pay attention to the road, vehicles come out of turning, at traffic lights etc, always make sure you can see the driver of the vehicle, make eye contact if you can. Take up a respectable amount of space to be seen and keep yourself safe. (Zoe from @zoe_sherwood)
Fuel yourself! As a keen road cyclist, I've learned the hard way how important it is to keep yourself fuelled up. Keep a few natural snacks on hand and eat something small every 20-30 minutes of riding. (Ollie from @foga.co)
Ride in the middle of the lane. When you can see that there's not enough space for someone to overtake, take the option away from cars behind by riding in the middle of the lane. They might not like it much, but you'll move over once it's safe for them to pass. (Ollie from @foga.co)
Try not to undertake another bicycle, its not good ettiquette and also can be dangerous (Jacqui from @goodordering)

Always have some spare lights in your pocket or bag in winter (Jacqui from @goodordering)
Don’t go too fast when you are going around bends (Otto, 8 years old)
Start going fast before you go up a hill so you can build up speed (Otto, 8 years old)
Have a bike that fits your high and body size (Mia)
Keep your rims clean because when the dirt mixes with water it creates a sandpaper effect which wear out your break pads and rims quicker (Kathryn, lock
Keep your tyres pumped up because is Uses less energy and reduces the chances of punctures. (Kathryn, lock 7)
Always be aware of your surroundings and be as visible as you can. (Mia)
Assume that drivers can’t see you, so cycle around accordingly. (Mia)
Spend money on the things that your body comes into contact with such as the saddle, grips, pedals. They will make a difference to your experience (Kathryn from @lock7cyclesltd)
Buy a second hand bike (Kathryn from @lock7cyclesltd)
Always cycle on one of the sides, not in the middle bit (Otto, 8 yrs old)
Make sure your tires are pumped up before you leave. (Otto, 8 Yrs old)
Never Cycle in a tunnel like for example Blackwall tunnel (Otto, 8 Yrs old)
Get on a bike! Whether you’ve never ridden as a grown up or you’ve just been out the saddle for a while give it a try. Its a transformative experience that makes you feel and live better. (Neil from @tokyobikelondon)
Take it slow or ’tokyo slow’ as they say at tokyobike. Take a few minutes longer on your ride to work to notice the things around you and it will feel less like a commute and more like a holiday. (Neil from @tokyobikelondon)
Try not to cycle on the pavement (Otto, 8 Yrs old)
Always indicate when you go around a bend. (Otto, 8 Yrs old)
Don’t show off too much otherwise you could fall off. (Otto, 8yrs old)
Make sure both tyres are properly inflated - protects against punctures AND makes the ride a lot less effort! (@caitlinwoodman)
When locking your bike ensure you lock both wheels and the frame to a pole to prevent against theft (@caitlinwoodman)
When cycling to an evening event I take a pair of shoes in my bag so I can enjoy changing into inappropriate shoes before cycling home again in my trainers! Don’t drink and ride. (@l.a.m.o.u.r.f.o.u)
Always arrive for a meeting 5 mins in advance to cool off, wash hands from bike lock grease and brush your helmet hair. (@l.a.m.o.u.r.f.o.u)
Go far! If you can plan a longer ride than you might normally embark on then the rewards will be great!! I love to get on a train somewhere and do an overnight ride back to the start. You can book a b’n’b to split the ride up. Great fun. Take your time, chat to locals, stop at the local pub...try to avoid the head down, a go fast style of ride! (@jamie_gaunt_designs)
You don’t need to spend money on all that fancy gear. I rode around the world for three years in shorts, T-shirts and flip flops on a steel framed bike that weighed a ton! It was all about the pleasure of the ride and nothing about the look! (@jamie_gaunt_designs)
Fuel your long rides...There's nothing worse than getting miles into a long ride and then hitting the wall or cramping up. If that happens, it's going to be a long ride home. Just a simple flapjack, energy gel or the right drink can make all the difference. (@radicalgiving)
Know your tyres...It may sound pretty obvious, but if you have the wrong tyres for the terrain you're riding they will eventually fail on you. It's very temping to take the short route down the canal, but if your on a road bike it'll do a lot of damage and also your wheels might get wedged in the cobbles! (@radicalgiving)
Pannier rack- all day every day!! My back has sang me a thousand thank yous since I started using a pannier bag and rack. Also if you can fit one on I highly recommend a back basket! Mine is a black wire basket from IKEA strapped on with cable ties, it's so handy and looks lush. (Beth from @thediysupermarket)
Keep your tyres pumped! Invest in a track pump and pump them once a month. (Jenni from @ldnbikekitchen)
A good set of gloves- Autumn and Winter cycles are hugely improved if your hands are warm! I rate Loffi gloves, with liners for the extra cold days, or my trusty leather vintage ski gloves with wooly insides! (Jenni from @ldnbikekitchen)
Store your bike indoors, or at least under shelter. (Ali from @labomono)
Don’t look back; you’re not going that way! (Lucie from @lucieloves)
Pump your tires regularly, drives me mad to see flat tyres. Such hard work! (@motherbran)
Don’t be afraid to take up space on the road. It might annoy a few people but you’ll be safer 💪 (@imlostbutsoareyou)
Cycling in the countryside is super different to cycling in the city; generally drivers aren’t used to dealing with you and drive much faster, roads are even more pot-holey and winding, you might come across a cow in the middle of the road... On the flipside you won’t get stuck in traffic fumes and you might see a kestrel like I did this morning 🦅 (@imlostbutsoareyou)
If you’re a Winter cyclist, get some decent waterproof socks or trainers. If you can’t afford any, wrap clingfilm on your feet to keep them dry. 😂 (@ladyellenclayton)
Always plan downhill routes and don’t turn around , just keep going 😀 (@hackneygt)
ALWAYS carry lights, so easy to get caught out even in the summer 🔦 (@fermain.co)
If you see someone fall or slip, help them up, you might be next. (@wennievg)
Don’t let go of the handle bars to do arm stretches to get rid of early morning aches... I did once and landed in a cactus! (@resolvedstudio)
You are neither a pedestrian nor a car. But sometimes you’ll have to be both at the same time. (@notonlycentrallondon)
Beware of crossing over diagonal railway tracks! 😱🚴♀️the bike can slip underneath you and you’ll end up in a heap! Especially when clipped in! 🙄😂 (@justjaneyparry)
Always take spare socks and pants on rainy days! Deb aged 50 😊 (itsinthebeehive)
Wear bright colours , you really don’t want to blend in with that hedge or the tarmac (treeslou)
Wear layers and invest in a good bright breathable jacket with pockets. (hccade)
Always wear a buff/scarf or something you can throw in the wash under your helmet, especially if you struggle with skin congestion 🥰 (chloelikestotalk)
Do not close your eyes (Lamar, 7 year old) saraheowsley
Always wear long sleeves and leggings when cycling on narrow towpaths, saves arms and legs from being slashed to bits by brambles and nettles....and always respect the canalside fisherman, they can make your life hell (pollywantacraka)
Do not try and have a romantic cuddle with your other half cycling through the park on a rare commute into town together, you will end up in a mess on the grass.... (hccade)
Make sure your panniers are securely attached. Otherwise they might fall into the canal. (geo_safari)
Don't turn on wet man hole covers (@koostang)
Use your peripheral vision... and feel the force (@koostang)
Watch out for opening car doors (@koostang)
Please help us reach our target of 100 cycling tips by sharing yours! Leave your tip as a comment here or leave them as a comment on our Instagram post HERE.