We're in China visiting our factory and checking out a special order heading over to Korea. Here are some pics of the factory so you can see behind the scenes of how these bags are made.

Factory room

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

It is surprising at our many individual processes are involved with putting together one of these bags. From stitching the linings to each pocket to attaching the branding to the zip pulls.

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory - Zip

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory


The orange market shoppers hanging up ready for inspection and packing.

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory

Goodordering factory


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