How the over 65's are using Tiktok

How the over 65's are using Tiktok

As more boomers join Tiktok and start making content, it’s clear now that the app isn’t just made for teenagers, more and more people across all ages are using this app. There has been an increasing number of boomers hopping onto TikTok to create content that is going viral and getting millions of followers to watch their content. This article touches on some really popular accounts that are run by the baby boomer generation - that is people between the age 58 and 76 in 2022.

Some interesting statistics are that tiktok users are clustered around the younger ages, and even these statistics below from an article written by the social sherpherd don't even distinguish between users over the age of 50, rather grouping basically from the age of 50 to 90+ al together and right now they represent a tiny 11% of users on tiktok.

  • Ages 10-19 are 25% of users.
  • Ages 20-29 are 22.4% of users.
  • Ages 30-39 is 21.7% of users.
  • Ages 40-49 is 20.3% of users.
  • Ages 50+ are 11% of users.


The @oldgays very gay Tiktok account shows progress that has been made over the years in terms of social acceptance and the laws surrounding lGBTQI+. The old guys featured on this account are hilarious, all shapes and colours and love getting dressed up in their out and proud outfits. Its wonderful to see. I think being great role models to younger gay men is fantastic and this account is a lot of fun.

The LGBTQI+ community is one that is really close to the hearts of us at Goodordering, being a Gay owned and operated business. Check out our pride backpack available now.

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Keeping history alive is really important for learning, and this account does it in an educational as well as entertaining way. 

Oldgays tiktok


Grand dad joe tiktok

This is his account, @granddadjoe1933  it was started by his daughter and grand daughter and now he has over 5.8million followers. It features music overlaid photos and also photos of Joe when he was younger, a dapper young man. The Tiktok videos are funny and self depreciating. Many of the videos are in line with general tiktok trends which make it even funnier. It tells the sad story of his wife dying from a heart attack and the support that the rest of his family members give him, and the will to keep going on. Its really interesting to see life from the perspective of someone at his age. 


THe retirement house tiktok account

This tiktok account is made up of a range of older people mostly above 80 years old who all live together in the same house. They have dubbed it @theretirementhouse  The account is really funny and includes Baby Boomers singing and dancing to some of the most viral TikTok songs and dances. This account is cool and funny because the people featured are taking an active role in the comedy routines that are captured and shared on this platform. Its like the modern day Golden Girls! It seems that the Tiktok platform itself gives a reason to live to these old aged people, something to do as an activity knowing that people are watching. When you are old i imagine that its easy to give up and just wile away the days thinking that no one cares, the audience on tiktok care, and this gives and renewed energy to those Boomer content creators.


Pete from the street tiktok

This account belongs to Pete who is an older man who talks directly into the camera on this daily or regular pieces of advice to younger people. This totally works as all younger people really want to know advice from people who have been there and done that! He is like everyone's grand dad. He talks about everything from life lessons to his favourite soda. Check out his account here @petefromthestreet_


advanced style official tiktok

This account @advancedstyleofficial features advance fashion style, ie older ladies and men who dress up with charm and a lot of character in their outfits and accessories which are usually quite over the top and eccentric. The acocunt links to other creators that are featured on this account such as @funkyafterfifty The account features hashtags such as these below, and also lots of streetstyle photos taking in New York city , the home of advanced style fashion icons. This account is definitely optimistic and celebrates age and ageing. 

Here are some tiktok hashtags to look up for more inspiration.

#advancedstyle #aging #styleinspo #chic #nycstyle #ageless 
#agelessstyle #whitehair #greyhair #fashiontiktok

In Summary

In summary, although tiktok is overrun by users who are under the age of 30. They mainly use this platform for entertainment reasons. However, there are still some older generations using tiktok and they are creating some important content aimed at this younger audience. The sharing of knowledge, history and wisdom is a key reason for baby boomers to use tiktok. Also, the entertainment of the older generation themselves in creating the videos and seeing them spread and be watched is something fulfilling and motivational for the older generation who maybe cannot get out physically as much. Therefore this digital world of tiktok has found a place for the over 65s and this group will grow over time as technology becomes more accessible in general.

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