As a designer i would always bag watch as much as others would 'people watch' I was hugely inspired by the bags of backpackers. These young adventurers like Catharine Pendrel would collect patches from different countries and places around the world and attach them to their backpacks. The patches were a souvenir of their travels, so many memories packed into a small stitched piece that would age over time. The backpack itself was only so big, so even the patches would need to be selected carefully. I also imagine the patches being stitched on by hand around a camp fire or in a social area of a youth hostel, a basic skill that, even if you didn't havem you'd be able to figure out.

At Goodordering we love personalising bags, in fact one of the earliest inspirations for Goodordering is school bags and how kids in the 80s would attach badges, stickers and patches to their bags. It is more creative if

Over the years, we have teamed up with various patch designers to encourage our customers to personalise their bags. You can even come into our shop in hackney, sit down and sew on your patch yourself. Read our instructions below.
We also have a few bags with pre-attached patches. For this bag above, i sourced the vintage patches and stitched them on myself. The act of stitching them was relaxing and i was very proud of myself by the end of it.
Here is Mia, the resident Goodordering couturier stitching on some patches that we collaborated on with Belsartworld. Watch this fun video for a bit of inspiration!
(specifically a Goodordering backpack)
1. Make sure that the bag is clean
2. Get your patch and position it where you want to put it. Use a few pins or a couple of safety pins to attach it where you want to put it. Ensure that the position you select allows you to access the inside or other side, it will make it easier to grip if you can access the inside.
3. Get some thread a similar colour to the edge colour of your patch, cut off approximately 20-30cm, thread your strong but thin needle and keep it single, do not double it over, and tie at knot at the end
4. Cut off excess thread after the knot but leave about 1cm after the knot
5. Start by pulling the thread through from behind the patch to hide the first knot.
6. Use a 'whip stitch' to go around the patch. This involves grabbing a bit of the base fabric and then grabbing a bit of the patch and then repeating that.
7. When it comes to the end loop the needle twice around the stitch and then pull, then from under the patch come through to the front of the patch with your needle somewhere further from the edge of the patch, then cut the thread really close to the patch. This will leave some of the thread under the patch.
You might need to use a thimble (or the back of a pair of scissors) to push the needle through the patch, especially if the patch is thick.
Don't rush it if you haven't done it before.
Check out some of our fun personalised Goodordering bags and patches we have for sale.
Read all about other items to attach patches to on our article called "12 Patch ideas, beyond Jackets and Bags" There are lots of examples of other creative patch projects such as Memory blankets, cushions, sweatshirts and even shoes!
Goodrdering pigeon patch
80s Goodordering patch classic backpack
Hello my name is Patch by Goodordering
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Wow.. This so superb! I love the fact that I’ve never seen something cute way of patching before.
Wow.. This so superb! I love the fact that I’ve never seen something cute way of patching before.Thanks for sharing
back patches