Save 20 hours a week by removing these things from your life. When you find yourself stressed and busy, you can either stay up all night working or simply remove things from your life that take time but don't necessarily add value. As a busy mother of two and small business owner there are simply not enough hours in the day.
1) Stop scrolling through instagram or tiktok
Although some scrolling can be relaxing and a good way to unwind, excessive scrolling can be debilitating, so to save time in your week set yourself a limit and try not to create habits for scrolling.
2) Stop pausing your alarm clock in the morning, just get up
If your goal is to wake up at 7.30am, then rather than snoozing your alarm clock, just get up straight away and get started with the day. The more efficiently you can get the hard jobs done the more time you have to relax.
3) Skip breakfast
If you are able to fast through the night and into the morning this can be good for your health and also save time preparing breakfast.
4) Stop meeting up with toxic friends
Meeting up with friends can be rewarding and its a great use of time but if you have any people in your life that don't add a huge amount of value and you end up just listening to the same old complaints or getting tempted to stay up all night drinking, then its time to reconsider these friendships.
5) Cut out your commute by working from home if possible
If you do have to commute, then use the commute time wisely by ticking off some tasks, texting friends and using the time wisely whilst you are travelling from A to B.
6) Put things back in the same place to save time looking for things.
Keys go on a certain hook, mobile phone is put on a shelf, shoes back at the shoe place. If you put things back where they belong you can save hours a week looking for things. Not only can you save time but you can also save yourself the stress of looking for things last minute as you are running out the door.
7) Cut out night time snacking
Snacking at night wakes up your body and will keep you awake for longer, try to resist the tempation to snack at night and just turn the light off and go to sleep. Then you will be able to wake up fresher in the morning.
8) Drop the salon gel nails
Just do your nails yourself as a relaxation activity. When i used to go to a salon to get my nails done i would need to fit it in and it would be another task to add to my list. When i stopped going to a salon for my nails i had more time to just do other things and my nails had a break too!
9) Replying to trolls online
There is no point in even reading the negative comments on your social media posts. Not only can it be stressful but it is also a waste of your precious time.