Top reasons why people don't commute by bicycle

Top reasons why people don't commute by bicycle

We are passionate about people cycling more. So we have a survey we would love if you could fill out to help us get closer to understanding what is stopping people who don't currently cycle, to start cycling.

There are many individual and personal reasons stopping people from riding bikes - some of them real, some of them perceived. At Goodordering we are all about encouraging people to ride bikes more often, without judgement we are constantly trying to get to the bottom of what stops people from riding, so we can maybe address some of these issues. Often its the less obvious reasons that are acting as barriers from them riding or commuting by bicycle.
We would LOVE if you could take 30 seconds to fill out this survey <HERE> or below - you need to scroll down in the box below.
Create your own user feedback survey
We will collect the results from this survey and publish them here next week.
Cycling in london
Here are some of the reasons we think are stopping people from cycling. 
Perception of road safety
The roads in my town/city are not safe enough for me to ride, and my route to work is a bit dangerous with some hairy intersections.
Practical issues
Where should i park my bike? hows the security at the train station. I'm not sure where i'm going, oh i'll just catch the tube. 

Bike locked
Clothing and accessories 
What do i wear? i'll get sweaty, what bag do i take?

Cycling to work, commuting by bicycle
I look silly in a helmet, i don't want to wear hi-vis clothing but i want to be safe.
I haven't ridden a bicycle for years and i'm a bit wobbly, i'm not sure i will be able to ride in traffic. 
I live too too far away from my work, its impractical for me to ride my bike. 
I can't afford a bicycle / servicing / equipment. My lock is too heavy.
Cycling is less appealing when the weather is not good, it is too windy or rainy for me to ride. 
Riding a bicycle with a helmet on
In summary, here are the reasons we think people are not riding bikes.
  • Confidence
  • Distance
  • Affordability
  • Weather
  • Vanity
  • Perception its dangerous
  • Its actually dangerous
  • Practical issues such as where to lock bike
  • Logistics

We would love to hear from you if you have any insights or other references for what is stopping people from riding bicycles more often. We would also love to hear your comments on this article and anything else that we do at Goodordering. 

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1 comment

It’s purely mindset and energy levels of a person to take up cycling or Not. If people use in more number then any Governance will definitely think of providing the facilities. People are not ready to take pains as they are happily habitual for the luxury and lazy life and false prestige. Also very good at writing articles on green environment traveling the huge cars than required and sleeping in air-conditioned bedrooms even in winter seasons. Very pity situation of today’s youth


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