Decorating your bicycle

Decorating your bicycle

Decorating your bicycle is a fun activity. Other benefits of decorating your bike is to make it less attractive to thieves, as well as more recognisable to you. 


Decals or stickers are a great way to decorate and personalise your bicycle frame. Swedish company Bookman do a range of reflective decals that are weatherproof, perfect for pimping your ride. 

You can also get decals especially made for you using artwork uploaded to specialised decal companies. Here are some examples. They can either have your full name (e.g., Rob Thomas) on them or graphics that you like.

Bookman stickers

You can also get decals especially made for you using artwork uploaded to specialised decal companies. Here are some examples. They can either have your name on them or graphics that you like.

Custom decals bicycle


Similar to using decals and stickers, tape such as gaffer tape is another way to decorate your bicycle frame. Tape can also be a way to protect parts of the frame that may be affected by rust.

Bicycle decorated the tape.

3d decorations

Plastic flowers make a great and weather proof decoration for your bicycle. The only problem with this is that they can get a bit grubby over time especially in polluted cities.

Bicycle floral decorations

Decorated bicycleYou can also source odd plastic trinkets from places such as eBay and car boot sales to decorate your bicycle. Grab a glue gun and go crazy.


It’s such as baskets and bicycle bells and horns can be fun and more subtle ways of decorating your bicycle. You can even attach miniature plants to your bicycle.

Goodordering bicycle accessories

Handlebar streamers

handlebar streamers were originally something you would see on bicycles owned by little girls. They have come along way since then and we can really add a lot of fun to your bicycle using handmade and home-made techniques. The fact that they fly along in the wind behind your bicycle is what makes some work especially well as decorations for bikes And scooters.

Bicycle handlebar streamers streamers

Spoke decorations

Remember spokey dokeys? You will if you grew up in the 80s or early 90s. They are little plastic beads that you can use to decorate your bicycle spokes. I recently got some and attached them to my bike and realised how annoying they are as they make a little clicking sound every time your bicycle wheel turns around.

Spoke decorating your bicycle


If you live somewhere that is dark a lot of the year, lights will be a great way to decorate your bicycle, not just at Christmas but all year round. Lights make your bicycle brighter and more visible, they also bring a lot of fun to the streets for your fellow cyclists.

Bike lights

Bar tape

Bar tape is a classic way to personalise and customise your bicycle. It can bring a bit of fun to your bicycle and it also functional at the same time. Bar type can come in a frying wide range of materials from spongy foam, to rubberised or a cotton. You can change your bar tape quite regularly freshening up your bike all the time whilst at the same time making it a pleasure to ride.

Bicycle bar tape

Custom spray job

There are some great ways you can do a custom spray job to your bike yourself or get it professionally done. Armourtex is a local Hackney brand that offers an amazing array of spray designs and colours using the powder coating technique. 


Custom frame spray job bicycle

Home spray job

You can I also buy your own colourful spray cans and do it yourself at home. Spray bike offer a huge amount of colours for around 9pounds each. With this message you can be really creative including doing graduation with the colours or even making your own stencils. There are many videos and instructions available on how to prepare your bicycle for spraying. This includes making sure your frame is clean and sanded beforehand.

Bicycle spray paint
You can also use a home spray job to intentionally make your bicycle look ugly. Many people do this to detract from thieves. I personally love this idea because I think cycling is more about the experience rather than the gear and trying to have the best looking stuff.

Ugly bike disguise your bike as crap

Do you have any other ideas for decorating or customising your bicycle? I would love to hear about them. Please leave comments in the comment section below. 😀 

Read on:

A dummies guide to choosing a bicycle pannier rack

9 Un-useless bike accessories

How to take your pet on a bike ride

Bike storage for your home

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